PH-LEVEL: Dr. Jentschura's AlkaBath creates a pH level of 8-8.5. Babies are known for their beautiful healthy skin. They bathe in amniotic fluid with a ph-level of 8-8.5 for 9 months.; 8 PRECIOUS STONES ARE ADDED TO ALKABATH; The precious stones that are part of AlkaBath have energetic properties which allow your bath (or your foot bath) to aid REAL RELAXATION of your body. Also has Magnesium Bath Crystals. ALKALINE APPLICATIONS: This Dr. Jentschura product also works perfectly with alkaline applications like Alkaline Stockings, Cuffs, and Neck and Body Wraps. GOES A LONG WAY: The size of this Dr. Jentschura AlkaBath bath salt is 750g (97oz's). This is enough for approximately 15 full baths (or 100 foot baths). USED BY TOP ATHLETES: Dr. Jentschura's Alkaline products are used by many top athletes, including the Austrian Olympic winter team among others.