The peppers could come whole or chopped depending on availability, no guarantees . Dried whole Cayenne pepper diced & chopped into pieces 15 oz, harvested, dried and packaged by hand in resealable airtight bags (EACH BAG IS INDIVIDUALLY LABELED). Pack a spicy punch with some whole cayenne pepper. Made from dried hot red chili peppers, cayenne pepper is a medium hot seasoning usually rated at 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville units. Cayenne pepper is an important ingredient in cuisine the world over. Use it to make a hot salsa, spicy soup, or blazing house sauce for hot wings. Red Pepper (Cayenne) is the ripened, dried pod of the Capsicum Frutescens. The capsicum family of spices includes sweet, or bell, pepper, paprika and jalapeno chilies. Used when "heat" is desired, the dried pepper is available ground or whole. The color is an orange-red to deep red and capsaicin is the main constituent producing the hot taste. It is a good all around cayenne pepper and it has a great flavor profile. This pepper is ground to a fine powder. I also have GROUND cayenne peppers dried available which is great for dishes that you want great spicy flavor WITHOUT obvious presence of large bits. PLEASE SEE MY OTHER LISTINGS