A must have for paraffin wax machine! Paraffin Wax Works Thermal Mitt Liner For Thin Pro Cozie Liners Hand or Foot, also great for foot masks.and marinating steak. These cozie liners are used after dipping the hands and feet in paraffin wax dip spa kit. It keeps the wax from dripping on the floors/counter top, also helps with keeping the warmth of the wax around r hands and feet, and containing the mess and lock in additional moisture. Good quality and practical application, not only for great for Wax Treatment, but also ideal for packing other essentials, such as your daily supplies and travel Kit. Instruction: ?1. Dip your hand or foot into the paraffin wax ?2. Repeat to put your hand or foot in and out from the wax (sometimes 5-7 times) ?3. Put your hand or foot into the cozie liners ?4. Cover your hand or foot into an insulated gloves or tower ?5. Remove the gloves or tower and massage your hand foot with moisturizers ?6. Repeat the same procedures on your opposite hand or foot The Package Includes: 200 ct * Cozie Liners For Paraffin Wax