RioVida Stix combines a full serving of 4Life Tri-Factor Formula with a rush of antioxidants and phytonutrients from aa, blueberry, elderberry, grape, and pomegranate, plus all-important electrolytes in a convenient and portable powder packet.Primary Support: Immune System, Healthy Aging, AntioxidantSecondary Support: Brain Health, Heart Health, EnergyKey Ingredients: UltraFactor-a proprietary concentrate of ultra-filtered 4Life Transfer Factor proteins and other peptides from bovine colostrumOvoFactor-a patented concentrate of 4Life Transfer Factor proteins and other peptides from chicken egg yolkNanoFactor-a proprietary concentrate of nano-filtered bovine colostrumAca, blueberry, and elderberry fruit powder, grapeseed extract, and pomegranate hull extractServing Size: One (1) Packet (8 g)Servings Per Container: 15Directions for Use:Empty one packet into 8-12 ounces (237-355 ml) of water. Shake or stir until dissolved.Since 1998, 4Life has brought you the best quality products available for immune system support, body transformation, and overall health. We are committed to ongoing innovation and scientific discovery, with products to help you lead a healthy life. At 4Life, we are committed to the welfare of animals that provide the ingredients found in 4Life Transfer Factor. We work with farms that follow specific and transparent farming practices and proudly partner with ingredient suppliers who meet the quality standards set forth by the National Dairy FARM Program and UEP (United Egg Producers).