Aahana's Lentil Bowls are gluten-free, vegan, with 15g plant-based protein, non-GMO, ready-to-eat meal rich in nutrients & antioxidants. It is a deliciously wholesome and balanced meal prepared with lentils, grains, basmati rice, quinoa, or millet with a whole lot of vegetables, and cooked with aromatic herbs and spices. Just add water, and set aside for 7 mins, and your meal is ready to eat! These ready made meals are perfect as a light lunch or as sides for dinner! Just like rice cups & quinoa cups, these are lentil & rice cups & super convenient quick meals! We believe in the idea that foods should be consumed in their whole and original form and never processed. Why Do We Sprout Our Grains & Lentils? 1. Increases nutrient absorption/availability to the body 2. Improves digestion 3. May prevent anemia because of its high folic acid 4. May improve heart health because of a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and high fiber WE CALL IT KITCHARI/KHICHDI/KHICHADI - Our lentil bowls are also called khichdi. Khichdi is the superfood for the soul. For vegans, it is a substitute for chicken soup! Khichdi Benefits: 1. Superfood for the soul 2. Complete first-class plant-based protein 3. Calms digestive system 4. Ingredients improves energy, immunity, and digestion 5. Low glycemic index - may help reduce blood sugar levels & keep diabetes under control 6. Ideal food during panchakarma - the ayurvedic cleansing process 7. Comfort food 8. Gluten-free