Description Particpants who used this retinoid cream for 6 weeks experienced a 52% REDUCTION in their WRINKLES and 70% Redness Reduction! Of the candidates that participated in the study, 94% saw an improvement in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, smoothness and firmness. Similar to retin micro, 90% of these participants saw improvement/reduction in at least two of these three areas evaluated. Overall the test showed the following improvements: crows feet wrinkles reduced by 8.9%; fine lines reduced by 12.5%; radiance improved by 14.7%; under eye wrinkles reduced by 11.4%; wrinkles on the cheeks reduced by 9.4%; tactile smoothness improved by 21.1%; visual smoothness improved by 18.3%; overall photo damage improved by 12.0%; overall evenness of skin tone improved by 10.3%; global assessment of overall appearance improved by 13.0% and erythema was reduced by 100.0%. Developed to assist in the removal of the top layer of dull, dead skin cells and drastically improve your skin tone and smooth your skin's texture.