Alpha Yohimbine by Team Six is the highest quality Fat burner on the market. Pure, clinical, and effective doses of each ingredient! This Fatburner does what it says it will do. No hiding behind proprietary blends, you know exactly what you are getting with this fat burning supplement.Yohimbe is a fat burner for men and women. This supplement is particularly effective during a fasted state. Yohimbine works by increasing adrenaline levels in the body, as well as inhibiting a regulatory process in fat cellsIf you want a proven fat burner that works fast, look no further than. Rauwolscine has been proven time & time again. It is a very potent stimulant so exercise caution but if youre tired of belly fat or just want to stay lean in general, its worth the go!Rauwolscine is also great for fasted cardio as its properties exhibit muscle preserving qualities so you can amplify the fat loss without hindering muscle growth! If youre trying to create a lean, healthy physique, rauwolscine is a VERY beneficial!