Amen Veggies greens vitamins vegan supplement provides over 10 vegetables, herbal extracts, and mushrooms extracts powders all-in-one in a convenient and easy-to-take capsule format. Rich in nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and fibers from green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, spirulina, plants, and more, this superfood vitamin greens antioxidant formula is a modern and easy way to support your daily "eat green" veggie regimenwith herbs, mushroom powders, and vegetable greens vitamins. The World Health Organization (WHO), the CDC and many other countries recommend to include vegetables as part of a healthy diet. These easy-to-take veggies pills are a convenient way to supplement your daily routine with superfoods vitamins, greens and vegetables extracts rich in nutrients and minerals in a convenient capsule format. Amen Veggies provides a convenient and easy-to take nutritional solution to green vegetables vitamins and veggies multivitamin. Part or all the ingredients provided in this green veggies vitamin capsules formula can be received in adequate or extra amounts from nutrient-rich foods, food-based nutrients, and regular diet alone. Individual results may vary and depend on a lot of factors including age, health conditions, diet, genetic markup, lifestyle, physical activity and regular exercise. Daily Vegan Blend with Raw Vegetables Greens Daily Vitamins in Capsules: Raw whole food greens supplement, Superfood daily vegetables blend, Veggies & mushroom extracts all-in-one, Source of greens nutrients, dietary fibers & minerals, Easy-to-take whole foods vitamins, Vegan, Non-GMO, No sugar, Soy, dairy and gluten-free, Free of carriers, fillers & artificial ingredients, 1-month supply, Manufactured in the USA, Third-party tested. High-Quality: Amen places the highest priority on product quality. Amen Veggies is manufactured in the USA in a cGMP facility.