100% ORGANIC - Antler Farms New Zealand Plant Protein is 100% certified organic. Our premium quality product is a delicious blend of protein derived from organic golden peas, sprouted brown rice, and hemp seed. COMPLETE PROTEIN - Our plant protein is nutritionally complete. It contains all nine essential amino acids and nine non-essential amino acids in their ideal ratios, making it the best, most balanced, plant-based protein on the market. HIGH PROTEIN CONTENT - Each serving has 20g of high-quality protein with high bioavailability and rapid absorption. Our advanced technology preserves the biological nature of protein, increases the protein concentration, and removes starch and fat. MINIMAL INGREDIENTS - Antler Farms New Zealand Plant Protein uses only the best sources of vegan protein and other all natural ingredients. There are only 5 ingredients with no fillers, artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners. Available in vanilla and chocolate flavor. PURE, CLEAN PROTEIN - Antler Farms New Zealand Plant Protein a pure, ultra clean protein powder. There are absolutely no chemicals, pesticides, or GMOs. It is dairy free, gluten free, and soy free.