Description Ardell False Lashes, Naked Lashes 420 with Invisiband, 4 pairs Transform Your Eyes Effortlessly Ardell Naked Lashes 420 are great for wear throughout the day and to add a subtle extra flutter that will transform your eyes with a fun and flirty look. You will get to walk around with the lashes you wish you were born with, no mascara needed! With its delicate look, its not hard to see why a lot of users love them for regular use. Reusable Falsies These falsies from Ardell are reusable for multiple times, guaranteeing that they wont easily fall apart and will hold up nicely no matter what you put them through, so you will get your moneys worth! And unlike many false eyelash brands, Ardell Naked Lashes 420 ditches natural hair in favor of a cruelty-free, vegan alternative. Affordable Strip Lashes Who says being glamorous comes at a cost? You will get these gorgeous falsies without breaking the bank! These are the kind of fake eyelashes that you would want to invest in spite of being professional quality, its budget-friendly and at the same time will add something extra special to your eye makeup look.