OK, we get it. Long soaks in a bubble bath are not your thing. But clean, re-freshed and deodorized is-and thats where our Mens Body Wash comes in. Aloe, shea and cocoa butters combine with a whole team of other cleansers and hydrators to make sure that when you step out of the shower, youre ready to get out there.Our Mens Body Wash uses aloe vera, which is packed with nutrients like glycerin, sodium palmate, sodium carbonate, sodium palm kemelate, and sorbitol that sooth, help clear up acne and redness, and protect skin. Combine that with shea butter, chock-full of Vitamins A and E, targeting dry skin and itch as it deeply hydrates skin, and cocoa butter, high in antioxidants, and your skin will be clean, not stripped.World-famous tea tree oils stimulating, healing qualities work with fragrant blue cypress wood oil, peppermint, spearmint and rose-mary extracts to make you de-germed and smelling fresh, not perfume-y. Add in natural skin-healer collodial oatmeal and inflammation-fighter kaolin clay.Theres more to life than deodorant soap, guys. Give yourself a luxuri-ous-but-affordable start to your day. And pack along another bottle in your gym bag-lather away dirt and sweat, and youre ready for another peak per-formance.