BioTRUST Low Carb Lite is a great-tasting, low-carb whey protein powder, which comes from pasture-raised cows that are grass-fed (pesticide-free) and NOT treated with hormones or antibiotics. Each serving is packed with 20 grams of premium whey protein isolate-with just 100 calories and 2 grams of carbs-to provide nutritional support that, in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise, promotes healthy weight and appetite management, sports nutrition and overall daily wellness. The exceptional quality whey protein isolate is carefully cold processed using acid-free, membrane-filtration technology to ensure a highly pure, undenatured protein that provides immunoglobulins and lactoferrin, which provide nutritional support for healthy immune system function. This delicious whey protein powder, which mixes easily and smoothly in your favorite beverage, features ProHydrolase, a natural enzyme blend that provides support for stomach-friendly digestion and optimal protein absorption. BioTRUST Low Carb Lite is non-GMO and FREE from soy, gluten, artificial sweeteners, denatured proteins and other junk that have no place in a natural low-carb whey protein shake. And like all BioTRUST products, BioTRUST Low Carb Lite undergoes 3rd lab testing to ensure purity and potency.