Description Blue Nectar Shubhr Anti Aging Saffron Cream may helps in Anti Ageing, Skin Firming and reducing wrinkles on Face. It contains 14 Vital Herbs that provides skin nutrient to stay fresh, hydrated without signs of ageing. Apply the cream after cleaning and toning. Take a small quantity of cream and apply on face and neck area with upward strokes for 1-2 minutes. Signs of ageing starts appearing as early as 25-30 years of age. The accelerated ageing is a direct result of oxidative stress, increased pollutant exposure, poor nourishment and fast paced lifestyle. Shubhr Anti Ageing Saffron and Sandalwood cream contains powerful age control ayurvedic herbs to control signs of ageing. Regular use of Shubhr cream may help in reduced wrinkles, smoothened fine lines, firmer & supple skin and more Shubhr aka Radiance,You could definitely dare people to guess your age post usage of this cream