Vitamin D3 is typically made in the body. As we age though, our ability to create D3 unfortunately diminishes. This natural decrease along with the combination of widespread sunscreen use and less time outdoors limits our exposure to UV rays, which can lead to inevitable D3 deficiencies. Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption along with promoting strong and healthy bones, which couldnt be more important as we age.* However, what many dont realize is how important this key vitamin is to our immune system. Many factors in life can lead to us feeling lethargic or rundown. Studies have shown that low levels of Vitamin D3 can negatively impact immune function. As a result of low levels of D3 potentially affecting your immune health, its smart to supplement Vitamin D3 into your daily routine to help maintain your good health.* Bronsons USDA Certified Organic Vitamin D3 is Non-GMO and biologically identical to your bodys own D3. It packs 5,000 daily IUs into a tiny, easy-to-swallow tablet to make it simple and convenient. So dont let those darker months get you down. Support your immunity and good overall health with our USDA Certified Organic Vitamin D3 today.*