Enjoy the world's most nutritious seeds, either plain or as a delicious condiment. Our hemp seed hearts are 33% digestible pure protein, are rich in vitamin E, magnesium, as well as omega 3 ala and omega 6 la the essential fatty acids EFAS doctors recommend. Hemp seed hearts are one of nature's richest sources of all of the essential fatty acids. They are also a balanced source of omega 6 and omega 3 essential fatty acids. Hemp seed hearts also provide other phytonutrients, including phytosterols and carotenes, as well as vitamin E, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. Hemp seed hearts contain no cholesterol, no sodium, no trans fat and are gluten free. They have a pleasant nutty flavor and are delicious on salads, cereals, yogurt or cooked grains. Hemp seed hearts are also a nutritious snack right from the bag. Our suggestion for an overall good healthy start to your day three or four tablespoons of hemp seed hearts on top of your favorite cereal, fruit and for yogurt for breakfast. You will likely feel nutritionally satisfied for several hours. All of canada hemp foods' hemp seed hearts are cold mechanically processed and are grown without herbicides or pesticides. To conserve the EFAS, do not heat hemp seed hearts above 325 Fahrenheit.