Because our children's bodies can't produce vitamin D3 on their own, they must get it through their diets or from exposure to direct sunlight. Children can get vitamin D through foods like oil fish, including salmon, mackerel, and tuna; fortified milk; or cereal, but getting enough from diet alone can be difficult. And because of the risks, it's not recommended that children spend too much time in the sun. For children who are not getting enough vitamin D3, a supplement may be a great option. Vitamin D promotes healthy growth and development, helps their bodies absorb calcium and phosphorus; and supports teeth, bone, and muscle health. Kid's Super Daily D3 can be placed in food or a drink, or on a spoon. MAKING SURE KIDS GET THEIR VITAMIN D3 IS EASY1) One highly concentrated liquid drop provides children with 600 IU (15 mcg) of vitamin D3, the recommended daily dose of the American Academy of Pediatrics.2) Our advanced dropper technology allows a perfectly measured drop to be released from the bottle.3) Kid's Super Daily D3 is unflavored and can be placed in your child's food or a drink, or on a spoon.4) Simply hold the bottle upside down until a perfectly measured drop is dispensed. There is no need to shake the bottle. This dropper technology removes the risk of contamination from rubber droppers.