Mastic is a 100% Pure product. That means that NOT all the pieces of mastic (or tears as they are called) are the same. Some pieces are bigger, some are smaller, some are harder and some are softer. Mastic -due to temperature- is softer in summer and harder in winter. Usually larger pieces are softer than the smaller ones which dry out and harden faster. Generally, medium or large pieces are better for chewing and small pieces are better for grounding them into powder.Chios island is home to mastiha also known as mastic. But why is mastiha so special? Mastiha is basically a resin from the mastiha trees and appears in drops. While the mastiha trees may grow in other areas in the Mediterranean and produce resin, only trees in Chios produce the mastiha tears that have the characteristic aroma, taste and health benefits.Mastic collection starts usually mid August, with the work starting again very early in the morning. The larger pieces are collected (along with dust, tree leaves and small stones) from the ground. They are spread in large wooden pans and taken in to the growers house to be stored in a dry and cool place. The cleaning of mastic is a laborious task which starts November. Usually the family participates and the cleaning process lasts throughout the winter period. Mastic is washed and then the larger pieces are manually cleaned one by one with a small pointed knife.