At ChocZero, we believe that monk fruit is the key to the keto diet. Using healthy prebiotic fiber for gut health and zero added sugar for blood sugar control, we make real sweet snacks that are convenient and delicious. All of our products are soy free, non-GMO, diabetic-friendly, sugar alcohol free, no added sugar and we even have many gluten free and vegan options for certain flavors. We believe in making your food options healthier so that whether you're on the road or in your office, your on the go snacking and desserts can be low sugar and nutritious plus keto friendly. We're even great for your kids' lunchboxes--they won't miss the sugar crashes when they have delicious flavors like Cookies N Cream to satisfy them Whether you're diabetic or low carb or simply eating better, our ketogenic chocolates and candies are the new staple for your sugar free lifestyle and diet.