Our wearable version of the chocolate chip cookie is a combination of light and dark chocolate, freshly baked but not too doughy. The entire flavor, none of the calories, Ruth graves Wakefield bought a tourist lodge named the toll house inn. One of her favorite recipes was for butter drop do cookies. The recipe called for the use of baker's chocolate, and one day Ruth found herself without the needed ingredient. She substituted a semi-sweet chocolate bar cut up into bits. However, unlike the baker's chocolate the chopped up chocolate bar did not melt completely, the small pieces only softened. As it so happened the chocolate bar had been a gift from Andrew nestle of the nestle chocolate company. As the toll house chocolate chip cookie recipe became popular, sales of nestle 's semi-sweet chocolate bar increased. Andrew nestle and Ruth Wakefield struck a deal. Nestl would print the toll house cookie recipe on its packaging and Ruth Wakefield would have a lifetime supply of nestle chocolate.