Description DLUX PROFESSIONAL The DLUX PROFESSIONAL name comes from a combination of the words DEAR & LUXURYand those two words embody exactly what our brand is all about. We consider our customers extremely precious to us, and always strive to keep them happy and satisfied by providing the best quality at an ideal price. Also, with 20 years of experience in manufacturing eyelash-enhancing products, you can trust us to deliver everything you need for gorgeous,and sophisticated synthetic lashes. Keep your eyelashes healthy and beautiful with DLUX PROFESSIONAL Helps enhance natural or Desirable looks and recommended for your look ISO 90012015, ISO 140012015 The world's best quality 100% Satisfaction Guarantee SHARPNER WATER PROOF DOUBLE SHADOW EFFECT GEL EYELINER SOFT GEL TEXTURE LONG LASTING DEEP BLACK LIGHT BROWN PINKY MILK MILKY WAY DEEP BLUE SEA DARK CHOCOLATE BROWN DLUX PROFESSIONAL WATERPROOF GEL EYELINER EYELINER DESCRIPTION DESIGN Black slim pencil with cap SIZE 6.7g COLOR DEEP BLACK THE NO.1 BEST BRAND IN THE WORLD