Every growing season, the Reishi mushroom produces its fruiting body, that part which we see and think about when we think mushroom. At the end of the growing season, Reishi produces spores, which are like tiny microscopic seeds. Each Reishi produces millions of spores and these spores form a coating of lovely chestnut brown powder all over the fruiting body and beyond. These spores are collected. They cannot be consumed in this raw state because each spore has an impermeable cell wall that humans cannot digest. The spores are extremely rich in phytochemicals, so scientists have developed an effective way to crack these cell walls, allowing the material inside to be extracted. The spores are rich in Reishi spore oil, and this oil can be extracted using high-tech methods. Dragon Herbs Reishi Spore Oil is the pure essence of Reishi spores, the most bioactive Reishi material. The essential nutrients of Reishi are contained in its spore. Dragon Herbs Reishi Spore Oil is a golden transparent oil. Reishi Spore Oil is extracted directly from cracked-shell Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) spores by advanced proprietary CO2 super-critical extraction technology. Reishi Spore Oil is the concentrated essence of some water-soluble constituents and all the lipid-soluble substances contained in Reishi spores, including all triterpenes and nucleosides. Reishi Spore Oil is easily absorbed by our body. It is VERY concentrated. 100 kg dried Reishi fruiting bodies (mushrooms) produces approximately just 1 kg of spores. And it takes over 20 kg of cracked spores to produce only one kilogram of spore oil. Ron Teeguardens Reishi Spore Oil soft gel is 70 times more potent than Reishi powdered extract. Just one Reishi Spore Oil soft gel (about 500mg) of Ron Teeguardens Reishi Spore Oil contains over 150mg of triterpenes, the most active constituent of Reishi oil. Most other brands of Reishi spore oil on the market are cut significantly with vitamin E oil to cut cost. Dragon Herbs Re