What Is It?Erythritol is a 0 calorie & 0 carb sweetener and sugar replacement used to add sweetness to just about anything!Its a part of the "sugar alcohol" family, which means its a derived extract from fruits and plants and passes through your body, untouched, much like fiber. Because its passed through, erythritol does not affect blood sugar in most people and has 0 net carbs. It's a great option for diabetics, low carb dieters and anyone looking to cut calories without sacrificing sweetness!Erythritol VS SugarErythritol is 70% as sweet as sugar and their flavors are very similar. Unlike most alternative sweeteners, there is no bitter or chemical aftertaste. Some say there is a mild cooling sensation. While sugar is a 68 on the glycemic index (GI) scale, erythritol is a 0! High glycemic foods cause blood sugar spikes, leading to more fat storage and hunger crashes.Dentists love erythritol. Oral bacteria feed off of sugar but erythritol is shown to prevent plaque buildup, making it quite tooth-friendly!Who Can Use It?Anyone looking to reduce their sugar intake, lose weight or improve their health can benefit from using erythritol as a sugar substitute. Its a favorite among low-carb dieters, as well as sugar-free and paleo bakers. Plus, its proven safe for kids and pets too!How Do You Use It?Use erythritol just as you would sugar in cooking, baking and sweetening drinks like tea and coffee. We recommend 1 1/3 cup of erythritol for every 1 cup of sugar in recipes. A teaspoon or two in your coffee works like a charm. Feel free to play around with the proportions and use erythritol to your specific taste.