Why is Consuming Organic Pine Nuts Beneficial For You Organic Pine Nuts by Food to Live are actually seeds that come from pine cones. They have rich and sweet buttery flavor and are the healthiest kind of nut. Therefore, including them in your diet is always a wise decision. Pine nut allergy is extremely rare and they have no other medical contraindications. Organic Pine Nuts contain moisture, so they will go sour very fast if you store them in an airtight container in your pantry. If you want them to stay fresh, they must be stored in either the fridge or freezer. You can keep them in the fridge if you are going to use them soon. Organic Pine Nuts make a delicious snack, but they also go well when used in granolas or cookies. They are often added to meat sauces and fish dishes due to their rich flavor. Pine nuts can be eaten raw, but toasting will make them more flavorful and produce a delicious smell.