Oatmeal is probably one of the most popular breakfasts all over the world and its to no surprise! This grain is highly nutritious and super versatile. Meet another variety of Oats - Hulled Oat Groats. Unlike Rolled Oats, these are Whole Oat Grains that retain their initial form and only had the outer inedible husks removed. Food to Lives Hulled Oats are Premium Quality, Vegan, and 100% Raw. Ways to use Hulled Oat Groats Our Premium Quality Oat Groats boast a hearty texture and a buttery flavor when cooked. Oat Groats uses are highly versatile and are definitely an amazing pantry staple. Firstly, it can be made into a nutrient-dense oat porridge accompanied by peanut butter, honey, nuts, fruits, maple syrup or something savory like an omelet, poached egg, tuna, mushrooms, or avocado. There is no difference between Hulless Oats vs Oat Groats, these are just two names of one product, so if your recipe mentions hulless oats, feel free to use the Hulled Oat Groats. Furthermore, use oat porridge as a substitute for rice, barley, or farro. Comparing Buckwheat Groats vs Oat Groats, they are not really alike and have very different textures and uses. Although in some cases you can replace one with another, its good to have both in your pantry. Besides, you can add cool Hulled Oat Groats to salads for some extra nutrients or mill raw Oat Groats into flour and use it for making pancakes, or baked goodies: bread, muffins, cakes, and cookies. Hulled Oat Groats Nutritional Value Whole Grain Oat Groats are loaded with high-quality plant protein and dietary fiber which are essential for a balanced diet. Cooked Oat Groats nutrition profile is also rich in amino acids, antioxidants, Vitamins B1, B5, Manganese, Folate, Phosphorus, Copper, Magnesium, Iron, and Zinc. Eating Oat Groats for breakfast is a great way to replenish your energy levels for the day.