Hairgenics understands the science of healthy hair. Our Pronexa Hair Growth and Healing Conditioner contains a proprietary blend of clinically proven hair nourishing ingredients including Keratin, Biotin, Silk Proteins and Marine to deeply moisturize and heal dry and damaged hair while reducing hair loss, hair thinning and shedding, and adding body, thickness, and volume to your hair. This combination of ingredients infuses your hair with moisture resulting in softer, shinier and healthier hair and is ideal for all types of hair and the perfect choice for both Men and Women.Pronexa Conditioner also contains clinically researched levels of Biotin and Keratin for maximum conditioning, hair growth and health, helping hair grow longer, healthier, thicker and softer. Propidren also contains clinically proven dht blockers including Saw Palmetto Extract which effectively block dht and prevent hair loss.Clinical studies on hair loss have shown that the number one factor in hair loss is the production of dihydrotestosterone or dht. dht is a molecule inside of your body that's responsible for hair loss, so prohibiting the production of this hormone is key to preventing hair loss. Pronexa Conditioner contains Saw Palmetto and other powerful dht blockers that help prevent dht production. The result is that hair loss is stopped and hair growth and regrowth is thicker and healthier.For the best results, use for at least 3 months and utilize the complete Pronexa Hair Care System including our Pronexa Shampoo, Serum and Supplement that will help you achieve that full, thick and healthy looking hair that you want.Get fuller, thicker and healthier hair today. Your satisfaction surefire!