Description The Kukui nut tree (pronounced coo-coo-ee), is the official state tree of Hawaii. Botanically it is classified as aleurites moluccana. The Kukui tree is unique and conspicuous for its light gray-toned foliage. Kukui trees grow on the lower slopes of the mountains, especially in steep canyons. The trunks grow straight upwards, attaining heights of 80 feet or more, with diameters up to 2 1/2 feet. Branches form at 30 feet or more above the ground. Attractive, green-tinged white flowers bloom at the end of the branches. - Kukui Nut Oil may be used on all skin types and is considered to be beneficial for dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, sunburn and acne.* - Kukui Nut Oil is a transparent, low-viscosity oil that is quickly absorbed into the deepest skin layers. - Kukui Nut Oil contains vitamins A, C & E - all anti-oxidants that help create and protect healthy skin tissue. - Kukui Nut Oil is an organically grown, bio-degradable and a wholly natural product. It is 100% guaranteed.Kukui Nut Oil relieves the symptoms of psoriasis, eczema and other dry skin problems. Natural source of linoleic and linolenic fatty acids, essential to vibrant, healthy skin. Hawaiian Kukui Nut Oil by Oils of Aloha - 16oz.