Whether you call this delicious gourmet nut a hazelnut, a filbert, or call them cobnuts, these are the nuts with popular flavor. Think of rich hazelnut coffee, Nutella, or creamy chocolate praline - there is a reason why Hazelnut is used to impart a sweet nutty gastronomic touch. Now, we offer you these wonder nuts without any harmful additives and with no additional oil other than its rich, delicious creamy filbert oil. These super-nuts are loaded with anti-oxidants and bursting with vitamins and minerals. They are also packed with fiber. Filberts are great snack options for those on gluten-free diets. Here are some fun facts about the nut known as Hazels, Cobnuts, andor Filberts: The State of Oregon declared the Filbert their official State Nut. These delicious nuts grow on a genus of the Birch tree family. Did you know, that this nut has such a deep, and rich flavor. It is used to enhance everything from coffee to baked goods to rich, creamy chocolate. Old-time Greeks believed hazelnuts could be used as a cure for balding spots Hazels have fiber, flavor, folate, and boost B-Vitamins. These nuts also are packed with Vitamin E. Well, Oh Nuts know their nuts. Our carefully selected nut sacks are always packed with nuts that are good to get and give for those who are wheat sensitive, health-conscious, or for those who have an exceptional taste for good nuts