The hair of your dreams starts with your scalp. And thats where our focus lies. Helis Gold is a new generation of hair care products that make your scalp health our number one priority. Because a well-nourished scalp is the perfect foundation for fuller, shinier hair thats radiant with health. The hero ingredient that makes Helis Gold so incredibly effective? Its the little known Helichrysum Italicum flower. Experience the power of the flower in Helis Golds extensive range of haircare offerings. Unique to the Mediterranean region, Helis Gold harvests the power of the Helichrysum Italicum flower, an extremely powerful antioxidant-packed, beneficial plant that offers magical benefits to damaged tresses. For pure, honest haircare always, Heli's Gold is dedicated to partnering directly with small, family-owned organic flower farms to source sustainable, high-quality ingredients, for the health of your hair and the environment. We can guarantee that our hero ingredient, Helichrysum Italicum, is 100 percent organic.