Vitamin B5 - Also known as "Pantothenic Acid" - Our Liquid Vitamin B5 helps support a healthy immune system and respiratory system. - Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B-5) is an exceptional source required by the body for cellular processes and for the generation of energy. - Highly Concentrated Vitamin B-5 in Liquid Extract - Horse Pills are big and difficult to swallow. This is why at Herb-Science we formulated our vitamin supplements in liquid form as studies have shown the body absorb vitamins better in liquid than in pill form as it gets quickly into the bloodstream.Even more, our liquid vitamin B-5 is pure in its natural form and it does not contain alcohol or artificial components. With Herb-Science, youll enjoy fast results in no time: Vitamin B5 is one of 8 B vitamins that are vital in supporting healthy body functions. Besides playing an important role in the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates, and protein for energy, Vitamin B5 is critical for: - Supporting a healthy body's production of red blood cells, Manufacture of sex and stress-related hormones, supporting a healthy digestive tract, Building stamina, Good Vitality. - Also, you can enjoy the benefits of supporting healthy skin and attractive appearance, delay premature aging signs, a healthy immune system's fight against radicals. - Helping support a healthy body and healthy immune system from symptoms of irritability, fatigue , numbness, muscle cramps, paresthesia, hair loss, allergies and other problems.