Our nutritional supplement contains 200 mg of 5-HTP, an essential precursor to the synthesis of melatonin and serotonin. Both are essential for supporting your circadian rhythms. The 263 milligrams you consume contain the mineral calcium, which helps in the body's production of melatonin. One of the main neurotransmitters involved in happiness is serotonin, which regulates your mind and helps you feel calm. 5-HTP is a compound which gets converted into serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is one of the principal neurotransmitters involved in happiness. Get a good supply of dependable nutrition. Each bottle of 5-HTP, calcium, and L-tryptophan chewables has 90 gummies and can be used once a day for up to 45 days. Learn more about our product here: 2 gummies per serving. 90 gummies per bottle. No GMOs, soy, or yeast content. Mouthwatering blueberry flavor.