The root, specifically taproot of a beet plant is called beetroot. Beetroot powder is a bright pink or red product made from dried, ground beets. Beets are cultivated in temperate to cool regions during the cooler seasons. These plants are typically grown for their edible roots and leaves. People have commonly used beetroot as a food coloring agent and for its many naturally occurring health benefits. HQOExpress Organic Beetroot Powder is commonly enjoyed as a vegetable for its earthy, but sweet taste and nutritious value. Dried Beetroot powder is a great ingredient for smoothies, baking, salads, and more. Beets have been around for thousands of years. They are believed to originate along the coasts of the Mediterranean sea and were first cultivated for their edible leaves. Beets are most commonly a dark red color, however they also come in other hues ranging from white to yellow to a candy cane red-and-white variety known as Chioggia. They are high in nitrates that your body converts into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide has been said to have several health benefits, such as protecting your cells from damage and relaxing your blood vessels. As a result, drinking beet juice for high blood pressure may help improve circulation. The red beet we now eat today was hybridized about 300 years ago. Beets contain the highest sugar content of all the vegetables and are quickly becoming a popular sugar substitute. Organic dried beet juice and powder are used to flavor carrot, celery, and other vegetable juices, and also to color a variety of foods. Its purpose in the food industry is to amplify the color of sauces, desserts, jams, and other food items that are not red enough. Not only are they colorful and full of flavor, they are rich in antioxidants, folic acid, potassium, and fiber. They also contain unique antioxidants called betalains. Betalains give beets their red hue.