pstrongLIGHTLY SALTED MIXED NUTSstrongp pOur oil roasted cashew nuts are the ideal option for a nourishing and pleasant snack that complies with your dietary choices thanks to their healthy fats and low carbohydrate content. We strive to deliver only the finest, freshest, and most delectable nut and snack products right to your door. To fulfill this, we are expanding our catalog and adding some more products such as macadamia nut oil, macadamia nut butter, macadamia oil, and macadamia nut cookies. Stay tuned for a blissful ride through macademian heaven.p pstrongLegal Disclaimer:strongStatements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.p pstrongstrongp pstrongstrongp pstrongPRODUCT DETAILSstrongp ul listrongBrand: strongIMPERIAL NUTSli listrongFlavor: strongRoasted Saltedli listrongWeight: strong14.5 Ozli listrongPackaging: strongResealable Tin Canli ul