The Jawfit is a small and portable device that activates several facial muscles using simple and easy to perform exercises. The Jawfit works the masticatory muscles, tongue muscles, orbicularis oculi soft, palate/fauces, suprahyoid, infrahyoid, strap, the cervical area and pharyngeal muscles, and many others. The Jaw fit is a must have for all people who use their voice professionally and/or habitually to sing, announce or are looking for improving a health condition that relies on oral muscular strength. Now there is a simple easy to perform exercise that you can take with you and use whenever you need it most!The Jawfit is designed to exercise your jaw over a period of time and will refine your double chin while simultaneously strengthen facial muscles and make your skin around the face firmer.Important: the Jawfit is an exerciser and should be treated as an actual exercise. Your will need to make the kissing motion in repetition to create a workout and strengthen the jaw muscles. It is important not to overwork the muscles in order to prevent any discomfort following the exercise.