WHY DO I NEED A HIGH DOSE OF MAGNESIUM? Magnesium deficiency is running rampant among Americans. Many experts estimate that 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient. It's critical to get high enough doses of magnesium to compensate for the fact that our typical diet runs low on this vital mineral.* WHAT SIZE DOSE IS HIGH ENOUGH? The RDI for magnesium is 400mg per day, so everyone should at least get that much. Jigsaw Health's recommended dose is a little higher at 500mg a day (or more, as bowel tolerance allows). This is because many people have been running low on magnesium for years and need more than the "minimum" to replenish their magnesium stores. Some experts in the field - such as Dr. Russell Blaylock - recommend 1000mg a day as the optimal dose to relieve the effects that can be connected to magnesium-deprived diets. * LOW DOSE VS. HIGH DOSE MAGNESIUM SUPPLEMENTS Although there are thousands of cheaper magnesium supplements available, the simple truth is that you CANNOT replenish your body's magnesium stores with a cheap magnesium supplement. The only magnesium supplement in the world that combines Albion's premier, organic dimagnesium malate into a timed-release formula. More bioavailable than other forms of magnesium. Bound to malic acid, which helps the body create more energy. Avoids digestive discomfort! Coated, easy-to-swallow, dissolvable tablets.