Offers powerful antioxidant activity for immune system support and other health benefits. This product offers high potency (1,100 mg) vitamin C in a buffered powder formulation. Its made with sodium, potassium, and magnesium ascorbates to produce a buffered, acid balanced formulation thats very gentle on the stomach. This product is sweetened with xylitol. Supplements in our Bio-Max Series use forms of nutrients that have been clinically proven to be among the best absorbed and bioavailable. Hypoallergenic. Contains no gluten or casein. Ultra Tested. Vitamin C has a key role in supporting the immune system. It is especially important for childrens good health and development. Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant activity with many health benefits. Among them are: supporting the immune system by assisting white blood cell function, including antibody levels and responses; eliminating harmful radical damage to tissues, organs and cells; supporting the production of collagen, the main protein substance that holds the body together in the form of tissues, tendons, cartilage, etc.