Have you ever looked at the word "delicious" in the dictionary? We're pretty sure our Kosher for Passover and gluten-free Roast Chicken with Potato and Carrots is what shows up as the definition! We use the finest ingredients and meet the strictest kashrus standards possible so that you can enjoy the most delicious kosher Roast Chicken during this special holiday!This Roast Chicken is perfect for those who really want to have a traditional and savory home-made meal during Passover, or are planning to go on a road-trip or camping, and might not have the time, tools or the skills to prepare traditional tasty Kosher meals. Want to know exactly what you get in our Roast Chicken with Potato and Carrots pack? 1 pack of the most tender Roast Chicken, sided with soft and delicious potatoes and carrots! Sounds like the description a fine restaurant would give to them, right? Well, they taste as fine as it sounds! And how big is this meal, you may ask? This meal includes one serving (serving size 12 oz.) and has 370 calories. Alright And what about the ways to heat them up? Well, there are four ways you can do it (that we know of): 1) Microwave Oven: The faster option. It's warmed up and ready in about 2 or 3 minutes, depending on the microwave. 2) Boiling Water: Place the product as is in boiling water, heat for approximately 7 - 10 minutes. 3) Hot Plate: May be heated on a Hot Plate. *Heat setting should not exceed 250F. 4) Stove Top Blech: May be heated on a Shabbos Stove Top Blech. Ready to meet us?Ready to taste our meals?KJ Poultry Ready Meals!