Our tasty and sustainably-sourced line of USDA organic plant based protein powder is the perfect addition to any healthy lifestyle. This formula is packed full of essential nutrients, is easily-digested and offers increased bioavailability from added enzymes. Kos protein blend is comprised of ingredients that have been known to provide sustained energy, boost the immune system, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and encourage weight loss.5 PROTEIN BLEND:Pea Protein:Are a complete source of protein that contain branched chain amino acids, building muscle and burning fat, especially after a workout. They are easy-to-digest and do not cause bloating, a common side effect of other protein powders.Flax Seeds:One of the richest vegan sources of essential omega-3 fatty acids, flax seeds are considered a superfood by many. They are high in fiber and low in carbs, helping to maintain blood sugar levels and encouraging digestion.Quinoa:Considered a complete source of protein because it contains all vital amino acids. One in particular, lysine, promotes tissue growth and repair after exercising. It is also plentiful in fiber, which lowers cholesterol and glucose levels.Pumpkin Seeds:One of the best natural sources of magnesium, which is needed to control blood pressure and maintain healthy bones. Antioxidants in pumpkin seeds, like carotenoids and vitamin E, can reduce inflammation and fight against harmful free radicals.Chia Seeds:Include an array of benefits, including fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, antioxidants, and vitamins. They provide a boost in energy and can speed up metabolism.Dairy, Gluten, and Soy FreeContains Tree Nuts.