POWER UP WITH MORINGA CHEWY GUMMIES FOR AN INVIGORATING, UPLIFTING CAFFEINE FREE ENERGY Pop in a delicious gummy in the morning to jumpstart the day or later on to power through the long afternoon. One of our key power ingredients is moringa powder - richly dense with anti-oxidants, calcium, iron, fiber, protein, moringa leaves rival spinach and kale with caffeine free energy boosting goodness. We worked hard to formulate the best energy supplements that fit an active, healthy lifestyle. Chewy and delicious, our energy gummies come in 3 flavors - a sour apple green, fruity berry, or refreshing lemon flavor. Made from plant-based ingredients and sustainably sourced moringa leaves, these gummies were specially formulated to fit every lifestyle and diet. Gluten and gelatin-free, vegan friendly and non-GMO, they can be enjoyed 2 at a time, 1-2 times a day.