Support your toddlers overall health and wellness with these delicious and pectin-based mixed berry and cherry-flavored multivitamin gummies. Vitamin D3 (here in vegan form as Cholecalciferol) helps support healthy bones and teeth. This vitamin also supports calcium and phosphate levels, which are required for bone mineralization. Vitamin A is an essential micronutrient that also plays a vital role in supporting immune function, as well as supporting the health of skin, vision, tissue, and more. Vitamin E is another essential antioxidant that is important for cellular health. B vitamins aid in blood cell production, DNA production, circulatory health, and supporting energy. This multivitamin includes folate as methylfolate and vitamin B12 as methylcobalamin. Zinc is a trace mineral that supports normal growth and is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. Additionally, zinc helps to support cellular metabolism and maintain normal skin health. Iodine is an essential nutrient for supporting normal thyroid function and nervous system function.