To realize your true endurance capacity, The very core reactors of your bodys cellular energy producing mechanisms must be engaged. That's where Muscle Rampage Muscle Builder comes in. Introducing a ground-breaking, stimulant-free, pre-workout amplifier. Imagine what you could achieve with an increase in STRENGTH and POWER. Consider the performance implications of a boost in STAMINA and ENDURANCE. Envision your athletic potential with the ability to maximize LASTING RESULTS. These are the attributes of Muscle Rampage - the power of deep, cellular energy production, harnessed in a bottle. This metabolic activator, fuels the critical reactions that drive results - Nitric Oxide (NO) amplification, ATP energy, and muscle protein synthesis. First, NO production is engaged on three fronts to optimize muscle-pumping, oxygen-delivering blood flow. NO production is fueled with 3 forms of scientifically validated, L-Arginine and L-Citrulline. The high-powered currency of pure muscle performance. Max Muscle is a premium level training amplifier - it is the most advanced, most effective, non-caffeinated, pre-workout igniter on the market today.