Our B-Complex products combine our best-selling phosphorylated Methyl B Complex with L-methylfolate from Quatrefolic in varying doses. These products eliminate the need for additional B-vitamin supplements. Formulated with a full-spectrum of highly bioavailable B-vitamins, including vitamin b12. Our B-Complex formulas include cofactors important for optimal L-methyfolate metabolism, as well as supporting the wide array of metabolic functions requiring these essential nutrients. Some of these cofactors include vit b6, choline bitartrate, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, thiamine, and more. Use B-Complex + L-Methylfolate to help support healthy mood, cardio, and nerve function. Vitamin B and its cofactors support the production of mood-balancing neurotransmitters with l methylfolate and its cofactors. Provides a full spectrum of highly available B vitamins. Supports energy-producing processes in several biochemical pathways.