Description Its that time of year again! And were so excited. Why? Were glad you asked. Weve come up with a lovely new limited edition scent for our Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Liquid Hand Soap Gingerbread. And its just in time for the special season. Fresh out of the oven Gingerbread. Notes of warming nutmeg and spiced cinnamon brings back cozy kitchen memories. Plus, sweet brown sugar is the icing on top! Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Gingerbread Liquid Hand Soap is specifically made to clean and freshen your hands without over drying, while also providing a special scent. This hardworking hand soap formula contains olive oil, aloe vera, and essential oils, and thoughtfully chosen ingredients that clean and freshen hands. Made without parabens, phthalates or animal-derived ingredients and always a cruelty-free formula soap. This limited edition Gingerbread seasonal scent is also available in other pleasant products youre sure to enjoy, such as Dish Soap, Multi-Surface Cleaner and Soy Candles. So go ahead, share the excitement. Make the most of this special time of year and bring the cozy Gingerbread scent into your home. Mrs. Meyers - Rooted in Goodness.