Description Oil buildup can cause pores to clog and acne breakout eventually, as excess sebum causes serious inflamation. Try our Organic blotter paper made by natural bamboo charcoal and wood fiber pulp to provide you with a smooth application experience while removing up to 96% of excess oil paper. Tametrix oil sheets for face is tear resistant and makeup friendly, therefore, a little to no pressure is required to soak all the oil without needing to rub against he skin. Activated Bamboo Charcoal not only soaks excess oil but also leaves a refreshing affect on your skin because of anti-oxidants it naturally posesses. Our packaging enables you pull one paper at a time, thereby, you don't have to worry about accidently taking out more in one go. Equipped with 105 face oil absorbing sheets, our portable pocket friendly pack is equipped with 105 sheets. Tamterix oil wipes sheets for face are suitable for all skin types and genders, and have no reaction because of all natural and vegan friendly ingredients as wells as processes used. There are no hidden harsh chemicals used. For better experience take out one sheet and gently apply on your T-Zone without rubbing to prevent makeup lifting and a smoother more refined matte finish on your beautiful skin.