Description POWERFUL TINEA VERSICOLOR TREATMENT SOAPS Naturasil Tinea Soaps contain natural ingredients such as micronized sulfur to treat tinea fungal infections quick and easily. Soothes and relieves itching, burning, pain, redness, inflammation, skin discoloration, and irritation. Effective for tinea versicolor, ringworm treatment for humans, athletes Foot and other fungal skin infections. For all skin types and ages, on body, neck, groin, legs, & feet. Using our soap is fast and easy. Simply lather it up the affected area and let it sit on your skin for a few minutes before rinsing. Do this 1-2 times a day for about 4-10 days (remember, a little sun exposure post-treatment helps restore your natural malanin in your skin coloration as many fungal infections "bleach" the skin until you get back in the sun again, then watch your skin come back to life. For stubborn areas, you can use the tinea versicolor lotion or natural liquid treatment solution available from Naturasil. If you are allergic to sulfur or sulfa-based products, it's best to not use this product as it contains sulfur. Always remember to test on a small area first. If anything feels off, stop using it and consult your doctor.