The irresistible taste and aroma of authentic New York bakeries is in every bag. Who knew that such a simple idea born 30 years ago in a small cheese shop would become a household name that people are enjoying with their dips, salads, soups, and anything else imaginable? New York style gourmet snacks has become the thing to bring. You can dress them up, dress them down, or leave them, well, undressed. New York Style Panetini are inspired by New Yorks fine Italian cuisine. New York Style Panetini are Italian style toast made from authentic, deliciously twice baked artisan bread in the tradition of old world Italy. New York Style Panetini are the perfect partner for soups, salads, and toppings like bruschetta. So whether you bring them to a party - or snack on them at home - youll discover New York style is more than just a snack foodits an experience.