pAGG by NewHealth Solutions: Check out our website for testimonials and special offersAS SEEN ON:- October 2011 Cover of Woman's World Magazine - "The Diet Pill Miracle you've been praying for!"- NBC's Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is - Follow Craig's Weightloss JourneyThese 2 bottles give you 1 month supply of our pAGG Supplement System, you will receive:90 Tablets of pAGG All DayTM. Each tablet contains:- 150 mg of 100% R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (R-ALA). Higher quality than racemic mixture of R/S ALA- 200 mg of Garlic Extract (aged for 20 months with High Allicin Potential)- 542 mg of Decaffeinated Green Tea Extract yielding 325 mg of EGCG- 100 mcg of Biotin - B complex reduces glucose levels in the blood and plays a key role in protein and carbohydrate synthesis.