Way of Usage: 1. Wash your feet and soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes. (This is a great time to add epsom salts or good smelling essential oils to your foot soak! Or, you can buy a foot soak! I'm not that fancy and just use good ol' epsom salts.) 2. Dry your feet on a towel, and get ready to rasp. 3. Sit and put your feet over the garbage can (or a towel or something you can wash/throw away) because skin will fall. 4. Give your feet a quick feel. Feel on your heals where the driest and thickest areas are. 5. Use the rasp (looks like a grater) to gently file away the driest and thickest areas. Use your hands to check your work. Don't hurt yourself and don't go crazy! You can rasp so much that you irritate (or even nick) yourself. 6. Use the bumpy side of the file to quickly file down and smooth out everything. 7. Use the flat side of the file to smooth over everything one last time. 8. Put lotion on your feet. (You can use any lotion, special feet lotion, smelly lotion. I use a Kroger knock-off of Gold Bond.)