Description THIS BUNDLE INCLUDES (6x) ORIGINAL NATURAL SHAVING OIL. Love it or your money back! Even if you have tried other inferior products without success, give ours a try! Looking not just for how to shave, but how to get the best shave? Shave oil. Natural Shaving Oil is unlike any shaving experience you've ever had. It offers a consistently smooth shave and practically eliminates nicks and razor burn. It also leaves your face feeling conditioned and moisturized-not oily. Plus, there is no mess to clean up when finished - no bit of foam left on your towel or behind your ear to be discovered in the car on the way to work. You simply use it instead of shaving cream. All you need is 6-8 drops for a softer, smoother shave. So while our 1/2 oz. bottle may look small, it will last up to 100 shaves - and take up a fraction of the space. Perfect for travelers! With safe, natural, and plant-derived ingredients, our unique shave oil is about to become your skin's best friend. But this isn't only about closer shaves - it's got you covered before, during and after. Here's what you can expect: - Softer whiskers and superior lubrication and healthy, hydrated and soothed skin. A little goes a long way. Lasts up to 100 shaves, helping keep your skin smooth (like butter!) and supple. WE'LL PRETTY MUCH DO ANYTHING TO AVOID CHECKING OUR LUGGAGE. Whether we're off to Miami or Madagascar, checking bags is a leap of faith we're never excited to take. Will our stuff actually meet us in Boston, Bangkok, Berlin? Will our under things be untouched and our toiletries intact? To avoid the unknowns of the checked bag experience, our line of shaving essentials is TSA-friendly, always 3.4 ounces or less. Totally cool for your carry-on.