When you want strength, recovery, and overall muscle-building results, creatine and glutamine should be at the top of your list! Creatine is a naturally-occurring amino acid that's mainly stored in muscles, and serves to regenerate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the cell. It provides the body with the means necessary to increase strength, endurance, and muscle performance. It is one of the most well-researched ingredients in the sports supplement industry and is used by athletes from virtually all sports as well as serious recreational lifters. The true magic of creatine however is utilizing highly absorbable forms to maximize the delivery and ultimately your results. CG5 utilizes five advanced forms of creatine to ensure you are getting the absolute best in absorption and utilization without the need to load, or uncomfortable bloat. The body uses glutamine as a cellular fuel for the immune system. It is also supported in the scientific community and by serious weight lifters that glutamine supplementation can minimize the breakdown of muscle tissue and help improve protein metabolism. By coupling these two sports nutrition essentials together, the result is CG5, an unparalleled strength, performance, and recovery formula geared to produce dynamic results! The overall benefits of using creatine and glutamine together result in an ideal setting for restoring your body's energy stores and enhancing quicker muscle recovery post-workout. Using CG5 daily and stacking it with other supplements like protein, BCAAs, or even a pre-workout can set you on the fast track to more lean, functional muscle and greater strength.