From Ad Icon, [Froot] Loops Cereal Box, as a stylized POP vinyl from Funko! The figure stands 3 3/4" tall. Window box packaging. Collect the entire line of Ad Icons Funko Pop Vinyl's: Chester Cheetah Cheetos, Energizer Bunny, MTV Moon Person, Coca-Cola Polar Bear, Kool-Aid Man, Green Giant, Pillsbury Doughboy, Quaker Oats Captain Crunch, KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken Colonel Sanders, Punchy (Hawaiian Punch), the Slush Puppy (Icee), Mr. Peanut (Planters Peanuts), Pringles, the White Castle Slider, Hot Tamales Candy, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, Tapatio Man, Morton Salt Girl, Smokey the Bear, Otter Pops, Dig Em' Frog, Fruity Pebbles Cereal, Cocco Pebbles Cereal, Trix Rabbit, Capn Crunch, Froot Loops Toucan Sam, Lucky Charms Luck the Leprechaun, Count Chocula, Franken Berry, Big Boy Bob, Hostess Twinkie the Kid, Dominos The Noid, Bazooka Joe, Golden Crisp Sugar Bear & Frosted Flakes Tony The Tiger. (Each Sold Separately) Includes a Pop box protector fit for any collectors investment.